Maelstrorcas are a synthetic-organic creation that were created
by S.O.L.R. Laboratories as part of an experiment.
Maelstrorcas can typically be found in the water, they like deep oceans to swim and hunt in, they like to live in underwater caves and form groups called “pods” to protect each other but can also survive on land so long as they remain well hydrated and don’t lose too much moisture.Their genetics is made up of many DNA combined together as well
as some unique genes developed by the Lab. They're developed in an incubation tank until mature enough to be registered in the system and set free - even though their initial creation is synthetic, they possess the ability to reproduce.

MANNERISMSMaelstrorcas are typically considered gentle giants - while they are big and look fierce they aren't very aggressive and are generally more curious. Maelstrorcas like to explore and can often be seen following other creatures just to observe them.Maelstrorcas like to stay in groups called "pods" for security. A pod typically consists of 5-8 Strorcas. They will hunt in these groups which make them very intimidating to other predators.Maelstrorcas like to leave the ocean on occasion and explore dry land, they tend to stick close to the water as to not put themselves in too much danger should they get dehydrated. Sometimes they may even find a lake, swamp or other big body of water and reside there.Their ears are a very good tell of their emotions - their ears can swivel around 180 degrees which makes them very expressive. Ears down and back can mean they are feeling hostile, ears up and forward means they are curious and so on

ANATOMYMaelstrorcas are rather large mammals standing at a height of 7ft when on their hind legs and 3ft when on all foursThey are often found in their Bi-pedal stance but will resort to all-fours to ran faster if chasing or running away.Their tongues have a very unique shape with 4 points and are very strong. They have one row of short but sharp teeth that can easily tear through flesh.Their eyes also have a unique shape with no pupil, they can see but it's very limited, they have large funnel-like ears that can help them "see" using echolocation - They make squeaks and other high pitch sounds that bounce off their surroundings and give them the ability to navigate even in the deepest depths of the ocean.Their large thick tails have flippers on them and two large dorsal fins that aid them in swimming - a maelstrorca can swim at an average speed of 60kmh (37mph)while they are originally created artificially they do possess the ability to reproduce - they are mammals so they have live births - they don't lay eggs or alike.

MAKE YOUR OWN!Maelstrorcas are an open species and don't have strict rules! I highly encourage creativity when making any characters within my species as it excites me greatly to see how people interpret my creation!When designing your own feel free to make it your own! Make it fluffy, give it pupils, whatever you want! Feel free to have artistic liberty when creating your own Maelstrorca and introduce features to your design that aren't necessarily shown on the guide - there are no limitations when it comes to this species all I ask is that you refrain from re-skinning copyrighted characters from TV shows or games and make sure your design doesn't feature images or symbols that may be considered offensive as this species is all about inclusivity and fun!


Free-to-use base by dont_jinxit
Pay-to-use base by dont_jinxit